Quartet Design 

Quartet Design aspires to create places and spaces where people want to live, work and visit, combining our experience, vision, resources and multi-disciplinary skills to take on any size project. We can provide a range of services appropriate to any scheme, including; masterplanning, environmental planning, green infrastructure strategies, urban regeneration, housing, sustainable urban drainage systems, parks & recreation, healthcare, commercial & mixed use development and gardens. 

Established as a registered practice in 1987 Quartet Design provides a full range of landscape architecture services to public, commercial and private clients around the country. With over 30 years experience Quartet Design is an established and highly respected landscape architecture practice, registered with the Landscape Institute. 

We have a very experienced design team supported by skilled landscape site managers who can manage all aspects of a project; contract implementation, proposal schemes, working drawings, tenders and site supervision. In addition, we specialise in ecology & arboriculture, strategic reports, design codes and planning appeals.


Landscape Design

Quartet Design work on a wide range of landscape design projects in the public realm, education, civic, commercial and residential sectors.  Good landscape design within any  development provides a challenge, meeting the requirements of high density, the constraints imposed by foundations, service and highway requirements, and the desire for instant impact in order to create a sense of place.

Quartet Design has developed a range of design techniques which minimise the impact of these constraints, whilst creating a pleasant environment for future residents. Hard and soft landscape design solutions must be maximised in order to create positive environments which enhance residents’ daily lives.

Landscape Planning

Landscape Planning is a process through which, with a thorough understanding of the environmental opportunities, constraints, the specific immediate and wider landscape and townscape setting of a potential development site, we can facilitate well-planned, sustainable development.

At Quartet Design we adopt a design-led, analytical approach from the outset, to deliver high-quality developments that reconcile competing land uses, and maximise the realisation of land value.  We can conduct Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments and Environmental Impact Assessments as part of a scheme by a team of experts we have in house.

Landscape Management 

Quartet Design has acquired considerable experience in contract implementation and administration over the years and we have supervised a variety of contracts worth over £1.5 million. We are fully conversant with the tender process and protocols, and the range of contract conditions required for landscape work.

The range, size and content of our landscape contracts has been extensive and has included the coordination of engineering works, service installation and hard and soft landscaping. In particular, we have specialist skills and experience in the implementation of sustainable urban drainage systems and the installation of semi-mature landscapes for immediate effect.


Quartet Design has a wide range of masterplanning experience. Using a landscape approach, we interpret and maximise the natural assets and the context of the development area in order to achieve a high quality development with an individual sense of place, at the same time as meeting sustainability criteria.

Our masterplans aim to set out proposals for buildings, spaces and movement in conjunction with green infrastructure structures which incorporate sustainable urban drainage systems. Alongside these proposals we aim to team our objectives with cohesive implementation strategies.

Garden Design

Quartet Design has been involved in a range of garden design projects of varying sizes and complexity. All gardens are unique and the requirements of every design are dictated by the needs of the client and the qualities and characteristics of the existing space.

We have gained a reputation for providing the highest standard of design supported by a professional quality of work throughout each project. Our designers use their skills and expertise to fulfil the client’s wishes and ultimately facilitate their enjoyment of their new garden.

Arboricultural Impact Assessments

Quartet Design can provide Aboricultural Impact Assessments which may be required as part of a planning application. This assessment of tree health details the potential impact a construction project may have on the surrounding trees, as well as the impact the trees will have on the finished structure. Aboricultural Impact Assessments contain an appraisal of the pre-construction situation on the site. This includes an assessment of tree quality in accordance with British Standard BS5837:2012 (2005), taking into account the trees’ individual arboricultural, landscape and cultural or ecological values and their estimated remaining contribution. 


A selection of recent projects 

Contact Us

Head Office:

36 High Street,

Market Harborough


LE16 7NL

United Kingdom

with offices in Buckinghamshire and Manchester
