
Stowe School, Design, Technology & Engineering Facility

Quartet Design were instructed to provide a detail design package for a new design and technology building within a historic pocket of woodland within Stowe. The site has many constraints such as sloping topography as well as the Site being located within an existing area of woodland. Quartet developed a design using construction and retention methods whilst retaining as many trees on the Site as possible but also regenerating the surrounding woodland as well as designing the Site to fit into it’s surroundings as much as possible.Quartet Design also produced a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment and verified viewpoints in support of the planning application.

Client: Stowe School
Completion: Submitted to the LPA Winter 2020
Role: Landscape Architects - Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment,  
             Verfied Viewpoints, landscape design and masterplan for the adjacent 
             proposed building and restoration plans of adjacent woodland 

Stowe School, Boys Boarding House

Quartet Design were proudly instructed to provide a detailed landscape design for a new Boarding House at the historic Stowe School. The historical location
of the boarding house gave the Site strong definition by the existing woodland planting within the historic surroundings. This gave precedent to the design
principles of creating an outdoor room similar to the historic principle which the tennis courts had with the menagerie and its associated gardens. The overall quality of the space we have designed works very well with the historical context the Site has.

Client: Stowe School
Completion: Autumn 2018
Role: Landscape Architect - Full Design Package including sketch designs, 
            through to detailed landscape package to tender including supervision

Bilton Grange School, Rugby

Quartet Design were instructed to provide designs for improvements for parking at Bilton Grange School in an area which was covered by existing trees as well as providing a much more organised drop off and parking layout to the school. With these restraints and with methods of construction we work regularly with Quartet Design provided a detailed construction package which went to tender and following the contractors appointment we followed through with a supervision package of works. The scheme is regarded a huge success to the school.

Client: Bilton Grange School
Completed: 2017 
Role: Landscape Architects/Masterplanners - Full construction landscape 
             package with supervision 

Cranfield University, Feddon House

The landscape design proposals for the area around Fedden House are to create an environment for people to use as a series of ‘outdoor rooms’ and
enriched environmental setting for this area of the residential campus. The proposals rationalise and reduce the extent of roadway and vehicle domination
of the area which currently creates separation of the residential units and creates a series of left-over spaces and areas with no meaningful use.
The tree planting proposed will use a combination of larger woodland species and indigenous trees to the outer areas scaling down to more gardenesque
species associated with the sitting and recreation areas. This will create a hierarchy of space providing interesting trees associated with the people areas
whereas the larger trees will contribute to the new tree structure envisaged for the Campus. The species will also provide a habitat for wildlife with flowers, berries and shelter.

Client: Cranfield University
Completed: 2017
Role: Landscape Architect - Detailed Hard and Soft Landscape Package with

West House, Stowe School

Quartet Design were instructed to provide a detail design package for a new boarding house at the Historic Stowe School. The area is to the north west of
the historic gardens and the building is sat close to the existing golf course. The landscape design approach was simple and will consist of maintaining the flow
of the existing gentle contours to connect with the building with the provision of succession tree planting. The under storey will be grass with some low shrub
planting to specific locations adjacent to the building.

Client: Stowe School
Completion: 2019
Role: Landscape Architects  - Detailed Hard and Soft Landscape Package with 

Portland Building,
University of Nottingham 

Our design philosophy for Portland Hill design is to achieve an integrated hard and soft landscape proposal to create a striking sense of place and quality together with a function and use that is appropriate to the Portland Building.
The design of the park has evolved from the constraints of the site and requirements of the brief and master plan proposals together with the
individual characteristics presented by the site levels and southwest orientation. The informal natural parkland is such a strong characteristic of
the University that the idea is of creating a small jewel-like park at the centre of the University has been developed in response to the brief. The development of the design and the identification of the desire lines together with the central water feature and footpath gradients led to a sketch design that is reminiscent of a butterfly. This design will provide a high quality and distinctive focal point and asset to further diversify the University’s rich parkland setting.

Client: University of Nottingham
Role: Landscape Architects - Detailed Hard and Soft Landscape Package

Milton Keynes College

The curved elevation of the new building is echoed by the repetitive curves of planting which enclose the entrance area & create a gathering space in which ‘Unity’ is the focal feature. Footpaths from the various car park areas & the sports area are broad to enable groups of people to approach the main entrance without having to walk on the grass or damage the shrubs.The strong curve enclosing the paved entrance & ‘Unity’ will be emphasised by box hedging whilst the outer curves will be low evergreen hedging & more informal mixed shrub planting. Species such as snowberry, guelder rose, privet,
buddleia, berberis, spirea, hebe & hypericum will create an attractive year-round setting and also encourage birds & insects. Planting linking to the existing vegetation along Chaffron Way will also enrich the campus environment for wildlife.
The geometry will be emphasised by formal tree planting selecting trees such as Prunus padus ‘Watereri’ & Sorbus aria ‘Lutescens’. These will contrast with informal groups of silver birch which will ‘meander’ across the space and
through the courtyard so that the built links appear to punch through an existing copse of trees.

Client: Milton Keynes College Role: Landscape Architects - Detailed Hard and Soft Landscape Package